Tuesday, August 3, 2021

programming langages

Ø Programming languages

v Programming language is used to communicate with computer all computer programs are written in programming languages.

v Every programming language has a set of alphabets and rules.

v The instructions are written by using alphabets and rules

v Types of programming languages:

v There are two types of programming language

v High level language

v Low level language

 High level language:

v A programming language that is closed to human language the statement written in high level language look like English language

v It is easy to learn and use

v Every high level language has it own set of rules this rules called syntax of the language

v Computer can not understand this language so we need to translate into machine language so we need compiler to translate to low level language

v High level languages:

                                                                                                                                                                           I.            c/c++

                                                                                                                                                                      II.            Cobol

                                                                                                                                                                    III.            Basic

                                                                                                                                                              IV.            Fortrain

                                                                                                                                                                         V.            Java

                                                                                                                                                                  VI.            Pascal

                                                                                                                                              VII.            Virtual basics

v c/c++:

1.    C was developed in 1972 by daninis Ritchie while working at Bell babs.

2.    It is commonly used to program operating system such as unix,windows and mackintosh os it is vary useful in compiler writing

3.    C++ was an extension to c using oop(object oriented programming) c++ used in simulation such as games

v Cobol:

v COBOL stand for common business oriented language

v Used for business and commercial application

v It consist of 4 or 5 major section

v It is vary popular in business field it is vary easy to learn

v Basic:

                                               I.            BASIC stand for BEGAINNERS ALL-PERPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODES.

                                    II.            It is very easy to learn . It is mainly used for beginners(students) to learn computer programming

                                        III.            BASIC stand for BEGAINNERS ALL-PERPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODES.

                                IV.            It is very easy to learn . It is mainly used for beginners(students) to learn computer programming


v In 1957 FORTRAN appeared as the first major high level languages appeared in the form of FORTRAN.

v FORTRAN stand for formula translation the language was designed by IBM for scientific computer

v It is used to solve matamatical problems and scientific purpose

v Java:

v It is developed by sun Microsystems

v It was specially designed to control microprocessors used in cable receivers , VCRs and also for PDS(personal data assistance.

v This language has powerful capabilities of networking programming, internet application and GUI.

v Pascal:

v It is developed in 1971.

v This language is named in the honor of scientist Pascal

v It has combine features of three languages FORTRAN ,COBOL and algol

v It is suitable for scientist applications

v Visual basic:

v It is developed by Microsoft it was the first visual development tool

v It is not popular in start but when Microsoft relished it 3.0 it became vary popular in programming field

v Most of window-based applications are developed in visual basic mean Gui.

v Low level programming language:

v It is closed to machine code(binary

v These languages are machine-dependent and provide more control to programmer

v The programmer needs detail knowledge of hardware to use this languages

v There are two type of low level languages

v Machine language

v Assembly language

v Machine language:

v It is also called binary language it is vary difficult to learn machine language but the execution of the program is vary fast in machine language

v Every type of computer has its own machine language a program written in one language is not understandable for other

v Assembly language:

v It is also low level language but easier then machine language

v It is developed to make programming easy

v In assembly language machine language instructions are replaced with English like words

v Assembler is used to convert in machine language

v Language translator:

v There are three types of language translators

v Compiler

v Interpreter

v assembler


v software to convert high level language to low level language every language as it own compiler

v First it check the errors of program if program is error free the it convert the code into low level language

v It convert source program into object code and object cord is used for execution.

v Interpreter:

1.    It convert one statement at a time

2.    It take one statement translate it and execute

3.    After one it take next statement and do the same procedure it execute all statement one by one and translate till the end.

v It does not generate object code each time



a.     Convert assembly language into much language

4.    execute by source code

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